Autumn 2012

Been busy preparing for my exhibition at Danby Moors Centre. It's Meet the Artist on Saturday 27th October, so come along for a chat - you are all most welcome!

You can also see one of my pieces at the Biscuit Factory in Newcastle, from 29th September until the 4th October, when it will be sold off for Lifespan - a local charity.

Early next year, I will have an exhibition at the Dorman's Museum in Middlebrough. The theme will be Museum Secrets. It will be a collaboration between myself and the museum, showing some of the artifacts and exhibits from the archives that have not been on view for decades.

This was my local museum in my youth, and younger generations may not realise it's past as a natural history museum. Look out for stuffed animals, birds, and view Nelson's fabulous collection, bequeathed to the museum.